The whisper from the Sacred Heart

Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time - What brought her to the church -

놀이터에서 묵상하기 2020. 9. 22. 22:49



In our spiritual journey, I often empathize with many prophets and righteous people in this sentence.


" many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.(Mt 13:17)"


In my daily life, I wish to stay close to God. While I am praying  I desire to feel intimacy with Jesus. During my meditation, I try to get any messages from the Holy Spirit.


Unless I feel I am close to God, or I feel any intimacy with Jesus, or I get any message from the Holy Spirit, I would be disappointed and I begin to worry if I am getting away far from God. 


However, I learned and know love is not something about distance or intimacy or massage. 



During my meditation, I found myself trying to think and imagine how mother Mary and the brothers of Jesus felt from what Jesus told his disciples.

" My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.(Lk 8,21)


How do you think? Do you think they felt out or they were disappointed or worried if they were getting away far from him? In the gospel of Luke chapter 11, Jesus said something seemed harsher than today’s gospel to his mother and brother.


While Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed." But He said, "On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it."(Lk 11:27-28)


The Bible does not say if there was Mary in the crowd. But if she was there, how do think she might have felt? Was she disappointed or worried if she was getting away far from him?



My mother was once in a similar situation.  



In our congregation when we become a deacon we ask the priest in the parish of our home town if we can have a ministry experience there for the summer holidays. I was a deacon last year and I had stayed in the parish in my home town for a month in the summer holidays. 


The parish was in just 5 minutes away on foot from my home, but it was the longest way to my parents in the world. They are not catholic and were not interested in it at all, but after I become a catholic they began to hate it, and since I join the congregation they started to despise it. So the parish I was staying was so close to them, but the last place for them to want to go in the world.


However, I heard surprising news from one of my benefactors. She had helped me to console my mother and to invite her to the church which unfortunately was always unsuccessful. What she told me stunned me. She said my mother had attended the mass that I had celebrated. She said she and my mother was sitting at the very back of the second floor next to the choir and went back home right after mass had ended. It was her first time entering inside of the church in her life.



I know what she was watching and thinking during the mass. And I also know what brought her there making her walk along the longest way to her in the world. 


During my meditation today, I saw the same thing from Mary. I saw what Mary was watching and thinking through the crowd during Jesus' preach in today's Gospel. 


That was Love.


I am not Jesus, and my mother is not Mary. Neither you and your mother. However, we are sons and daughters and parents to each other by hearing the word of God and acting on it. And I know all the hearings and acting is about nothing but love.


Let us love more today. Today let us see and remember more love in our life.





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