The whisper from the Sacred Heart 27

20200907 Monday of the 23rd week in ordinary time - Your sunset that I have neve

Sometimes I got in embarrassed because I see something that I have never seen before. Usually, I think I tend to care for others but when I got this situation I feel sorry for others and I feel embarrassed. Because I was thinking that I was humble because but I was actually not.A couple of days ago, like usual morning, after celebrating mass, We cater for just to take a picture that will be sent..

Wednesday of the twenty-first week in Ordinary time - Who is responsible for the problems of the world? -

For the past couple of weeks in Korea, people have been blaming Sarang Jeil church, Gwangwhamoon protest by far-east people for causing massive transmission of Coronavirus. The world we live in does not seem a rational place. When we listen to horrible news from the world, when we face difficulties that were given by other people, or when we experience disasters from nature, then we usually blam..

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - How to pray -

⠀ During the last summer vacation, thanks to the father in my hometown parish, I could be able to have a chance of thankful and blessing deacon ministry experience there. I could celebrate the mass and deliver the homily and visit people who were in illness, and summer church camp and legio prayer meeting. ⠀ I also had a chance to meet many parishioners who showed me their wonderful and amazing ..

20200609 Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time - Listen -

⠀⠀ When someone says to you "You are happy", can this word make you happy? I can say, "Yes it can." ⠀ I have experienced so many times that a simple word from people around me dries my tears, comforts my sorrow, and raises me up from despair. ⠀⠀ The harder time I was having, the stronger power the word was having. In today's Gospel, I see a stunning miracle on the mountain. ⠀ Just a simple word ..

20200617 Tuesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time - How to love our enemy -

⠀ Since I have joined the congregation, I sometimes find principles of the spiritual journey that looks similar but slightly different from the one of the secular world. "The meaning of the enemy" is one of them. ⠀ While I was in the last year of my university and the first several years at my company, I read many self-development books. Those books said one of the values which people who are ju..

20200624 Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist - loneliness -

We all have our own weakness and difficulties. One of mine is loneliness. My past days, or probably these days as well, were the battlefields where I have been fighting against my own loneliness. I can tell it was really really difficult and painful. As I have begun my spiritual journey, I found that my weakness and difficulties somehow help me to build my own version of the translation of the G..

Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time - about fear -

The first reading of the last Sunday was about the couple who had prepared a room for the Prophet Alyssa. In the Gospel, Jesus said, "Whoever receives you receives me and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.” Since last Sunday I have been meditating about opening the heart. Opening our heart is sometimes so challenging. We have to take the risk of getting hurt again. Once we have an..